Industrial Power System Studies


Optimizing Performance, Ensuring Reliability


The production processes in heavy industry are characterized by high electricity demand and, thus, are strongly related to the availability of local power sources and the reliability of the electric network. Industrial power system studies are required to evaluate the design, audit the operation and enhance the security of the electric network.

By conducting comprehensive assessments for these purposes and utilizing advanced analysis tools, corporations in the industrial and IT sectors can mitigate safety risks and improve operational efficiency, supporting a long-term growth in a competitive global environment. These studies play a crucial role in maintaining operational continuity, minimizing downtime and profit losses, as well as optimizing resources.

What we can do for your business

  • Power Generation
  • RES & BESS
  • Transmission & Distribution
  • Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals
  • Heavy Industries
  • Smart Urban Solutions
  • Marinas
  • Infrastructure
  • Data Centers

Precision in Power: Sizing for Robustness

Equipment sizing verification ensures that installed electrical equipment, including transformers, power cables, switchgears, etc., is adequate to serve the electrical loads. Oversized equipment may lead to inefficient operation and increased costs, while undersized equipment can result in equipment failures and operational disruptions.

By verifying equipment sizing, engineers can mitigate risks, optimize performance, and achieve long-term cost savings, thereby supporting the overall reliability and sustainability of power infrastructure.

Key components

  • Load flow analysis: ensure that voltage level and loading of electrical equipment remain within acceptable limits during normal and emergency operating conditions.
  • Short circuit analysis: verify that electrical equipment can withstand short-circuit currents for a specific short-time period (until protective devices clear the fault), as well as interrupt the expected fault currents.
  • Insulation coordination: verify that the insulation level of electrical equipment, including surge arresters, has been properly selected.
  • Current transformer (CT) & voltage transformer (VT) adequacy study: ensure the adequacy of selected CT and VT ratings, in terms of accuracy and saturation, considering the requirements of the actual devices connected to them.
  • Cable ampacity calculation: verify that cables can safely carry the expected electrical currents without exceeding thermal limits, considering the actual installation method.
  • Power Generation
  • RES & BESS
  • Transmission & Distribution
  • Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals
  • Heavy Industries
  • Infrastructure
  • Data Centers

Safeguarding Systems through Static and Dynamic Security Assessment

Static and dynamic simulations are essential tools across industries, enabling operators to understand, predict, and optimize the behavior of their systems. Through accurate calculations, corporations in the industrial and IT sectors can enhance decision-making, improve efficiency, mitigate risks, and drive innovation in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.

Both static and dynamic security assessments are integral part of the comprehensive analysis to ensure reliable operation of power systems. Static simulations provide essential insights for planning and operational decisions, while dynamic simulations are crucial for understanding and mitigating the impacts of disturbances and ensuring system uninterrupted operation and stability.

Key components

  • Steady-state analysis: determine voltage levels, power flows, equipment loading, power losses, fault current levels, voltage drops during motor starting.
  • Dynamic analysis: assess transient stability, frequency stability and voltage stability after system disturbances or transient operating conditions (e.g. motor starting).
  • Protection coordination: assess protection performance of existing systems or determine optimal setting values for new relaying applications.
  • Network planning: plan future network expansions or modifications, evaluating the spare capacity of existing network.
  • Fast transient phenomena: analyze high-frequency transients, such as switching transients and ferroresonance.
  • Power Generation
  • RES & BESS
  • Transmission & Distribution
  • Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals
  • Heavy Industries
  • Infrastructure
  • Data Centers

Islanding is an event that leads to disconnection of an electric network from the main grid. Islanding and load shedding scheme (LSS) studies determine the conditions and necessary measures that need to be implemented in the electrical network to continue its operation powered by local generation sources. A load shedding scheme (LSS) is implemented to balance the load demand and power generation after an islanding event, in order to prevent system instability, equipment damage, or total blackout of the system.

This type of studies require sophisticated tools, techniques, and careful planning to ensure effective implementation. By utilizing advanced detection methods, control strategies, protection schemes, and real-time monitoring, power system operators can ensure the resilience and robustness of the grid even under extreme operational conditions.

Ensuring Continuity, Preserving Stability

Key components

  • Stability analysis: perform dynamic simulations to assess voltage and frequency stability.
  • Islanding detection techniques: examine possible operational scenarios and select the most appropriate method to detect a loss-of-mains condition.
  • Load shedding schemes: design new, or assess existing, primary and backup load shedding schemes (contingency-based and underfrequency LSS), considering all sheddable loads and their criticality in the production processes.
  • Coordination with protection system: integration of LSS with existing protection system in a coordinated manner.

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Analysis

  • Improving System Reliability

    reliability icon
  • Enhancing Operational Security

  • Compliance with Standards

  • Increasing Awareness of Operation

  • Cost Savings

  • Informed Decision-Making


The software we use

  • OneLiner

  • PSSE

  • ETAP

  • PowerFactory

  • EMTP

  • PS CAD

    PS CAD


Did you know

Industrial facilities account for 25% of the total energy consumption in EU. In addition, data centers globally consume about 1% of the world's electricity, which is almost as much as the entire continent of Australia!

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